
    &lt;dance withfather&gt; 路瑟。请大家搜索看最全!更新最快的小说范德鲁斯</p>

    Back when I wahild,</p>


    Before life removed all the innocence,</p>


    my father would lifthigh,</p>


    And dance withmother and me,</p>


    And then...</p>


    Spinaround til' I fell asleep,</p>


    Thenthe stairswould carry me,</p>


    And I knew for sure I was loved</p>


    If I could get another chance,</p>


    Another walk, another dance with him,</p>


    I'd plaong that would never ever end</p>


    How I'd love love love...</p>


    To dance withfather again.</p>


    when I andmother would disagree,</p>


    To getway I would run from herhim.</p>


    He'd makelaugh justfort me,</p>


    Then finally makedo just whatmomma said.</p>


    Later that night when I was asleep,</p>


    He lefollar undersheet.</p>


    Never dreamed thatwouldgone from me.</p>


    If I could steal one final glance,</p>


    one final step,</p>


    one final dance with him,</p>


    I'd plaong that would never ever end</p>


    Cause I'd love love love...</p>


    To dance withfather again.</p>


    Sometimes I'd listen outside her door</p>


    And I'd hear howmomma cried for him</p>


    I pray for her even more than me...</p>


    I pray for her even more than me.....</p>


    I know I'm praying for much too much,</p>


    But could you send back, The only man she loved.</p>

    但是你能不能 把她唯一深爱的男人送回来?</p>

    I know you don'tit usually,</p>


    But dear Lord she's dying,</p>


    To dance withfather again.</p>


    Every night I fall asleep</p>


    And thisall I ever dream...</p>


